Introducing Smiirl's Sponsored Story & Refund program
Where we offer 3 refund levels in exchange for sharing your Counter story with the world! See how we can work together so you can pick one:

Pictures of you with the Counter - $15
We would love 3 posts of you, or a member of your team, with your Counter on social media, mentioning the @smiirl handle.

- Either post or story, on either Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. A mix of them would be insane.
- Square (1:1) or vertical (9:16) format. Also send us the original pictures by email
- No need to suit up, just be yourself and happy!

A (short) interview for our amazing blog - $60
We want to learn more about you, your business and the way social media works for you.

- You answer to 5 questions we will share by email upon subscription.
- You also share 3 pictures: 1 picture of yourself holding the Counter, 1 showcasing your business (front window, interior or your team) and 1 picture of the Counter installed in your business. You can use the format of your choice: square (1:), panoramic (16:9) or vertical (9:16)
- Click here for an example of the kind of post we like to make

A selfie testimonial video about you and your Counter - $195
We want to learn more about you, your business and the way social media works for you.

- Just film yourself talking about your experience with the Counter, explaining how it works. The sign up confirmation email will propose 6 questions you can answer in the video. They aren't mandatory though, feel free to speak your mind!
It's important that we see you with the Counter, even for a few seconds. Showing your place of business featuring the Counter would also look really good :-) - The length of the overall video should be at least 30 seconds. The format is either vertical (9:16) or square (1:1), the easiest tool being a smartphone.
- Do not worry about editing, just send us the raw videos by email and we will take care of it. If you speak any language other than English or French, we would need a written transcript of your video. Just be yourself and happy!
How does it work?
Easy as ABC
- 1.
Sign up to the program
By filling the form at the bottom of the page. You will receive a confirmation email.
- 2.
Order your Counter
Once subscribed, complete your purchase using the same email address
- 3.
Share your story with us within 60 days
Your Counter is part of the family! Now create your photos or video and share them with us. More details in the confirmation email.
- 4.
Get your refund
We review your photo or video in no time and process your refund through the same mean of payment. Note that the refund and its amount cannot be cumulated with a promo code.
Frequently Asked Questions
We strongly believe in genuine and authentic marketing: real reviews and content from real clients. We are always looking for fresh photos and videos to showcase our products in their natural "habitat". We think hearing it from people who made the investment is the best way to prove their value.
So it all comes down to YOU. We'd much rather give back to YOU and talk about your Counter rather than paying high-fee agencies or questionable-influence influencers.
You win since you get refunded 50% of the cost of your Counter and we win since you help us spread the word about our products. It's better than any promo code or coupon you could imagine!
You love it? Hate it? Let us know :
You may also find promo codes on coupon websites, but they are almost always outdated and sometimes never even existed. CouponBirds is especially hard to keep up with :-)
Why is that? Well, our pricing has been well thought out, based on years of experience. It factors in our production & logistics costs, new client acquisition costs, team salaries and a reasonable office space in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, France.
Among other required costs is a dedicated technical team, servers and a special partnership with Facebook to get a dedicated access to their infrastructure.
That being said, we understand that a Counter can be a hefty investment, this is why we created the Sponsored Content & Refund program!
If you are still doubting its value for your business, we encourage you to read below.
Would you like to 5X your business' social media community?
Let's say you have 1 000 people following your business on Instagram.
Getting it to 5 000 would really be a cool milestone, bringing real credibility and success within your local community.
Only 4 000 to go
To get there within months and with REAL followers you have 3 solutions :
1- You can buy them through ads and sponsored posts. According to most sources, the cost of 1 follower on Instagram is 25 cents, meaning 4 000 followers will set you back at $1 000 => this is too expensive
2- You can spend many hours trying to partner with local influencers or larger accounts than yours => this is too time-consuming and most certainly too expensive
3- You can get a Smiirl Counter
The Smiirl Counter updates in real time, making following your page irresistible: your highway to 5 000 and beyond !
This is a one-time investment that will bring you thousands of new followers every year without you even thinking about it.
So far there has never been a copycat proposed by a competing manufacturer. We cannot be 100% sure why, after all our products have generated millions of dollars and euros in revenues over the last few years. You could legitimately wonder why the Counter has not picked the interest of competing plants, or has it?
We know several companies got interested, going as far launching production (see question below), but manufacturing the mechanical flaps is not easy, it has to be assembled by hand and requires meticulous training.
The live software connection to the Facebook and Instagram servers is also a real challenge, that took significant efforts to scale. Being able to connect tens of thousands of Counters requires a specific partnership with Facebook, in order to get enough bandwidth from their servers.
Long story short it takes more to make Counters than meets the eye. We think that’s a key reason why we have remained free of direct competition for 7 years. We don’t say it will never come, competition is good, it stimulates, but we might have to wait another 7 years before it comes.
Can you afford to wait 7 years to boost your social media pages?
They all use led displays and have different shapes and sizes. Some are specifically designed for businesses, others have a more generic purpose. They are all cheaper, but also smaller.
We also think they don't look as good, but that's our very humble opinion.
You can check them out and see for yourself, we know users who were perfectly happy with them.
If you have been following us for a while now, you may have read about Flapit or Clex. These are startups that took our original idea and brought their own interpretations to it. Both are now out of business and we regularly have clients of theirs asking us for technical support, which we unfortunately cannot bring.
Note that we can also pay through a bank wire transfer if you prefer.
We can also use it on our website, blog or promotional emails.
By participating to the program, you are allowing Smiirl to use the content for a period of up to 5 years.
If you want us to take down your content, just let us know and we will proceed very quickly.
You will then have to "refund" our original refund, your content never to be seen again on our communication platforms.
Business clients are eligible once (i.e. only one refund can be made to each business, even if several orders are made).
It only works on new orders of brand new Counters made on our website
The program does not apply on Amazon orders.
The program does not apply on refurbished Counters.
Clients have to sign up to the program through the form BEFORE ordering their Counter.
A signup confirmation email is sent upon form completion.
Clients have up to 60 days, upon receiving their Counter, to send their content. The participation to the program expires after 60 days.
You are not eligible to the program on past orders.
Several refunds cannot be combined on the same order, whether you buy 1, 2 or 10 Counters, you are eligible to a single refund.
By participating to the program, you are allowing Smiirl to use the content for a period of up to 5 years.
Sign up today!
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