Team Presentation : Romain AKA Tux – Front End
May 15, 2017

Chest stuck out, glance to the heaven, counter on the shoulder, here is Tux
Front end programming at Smiirl is one of the most prominent job we have, because our website is our main weapon. As an e-commerce company, we have to make sure our website is regularly updated in terms of new features, user experience & navigation quality. Our users have to be able to reach everything they're seeking on our website easily & quickly, and that's Tux's job, to create a readable & understandable website, combined with an attractive design. A job heavier than ruling a country, trust me.
But enough with this serious-ish BS, what you really wanna know is who the hell is that young fella hidden behind this nickname, Tux. Tux is Romain (our 3rd Romain. And we are a 14-member company, you must understand the necessity of giving the guy a nickname), 25 years old, guided by his passion for music & web design, & his most notable skill is being able to drink half a pint in less than 4 seconds.

Tux Greb
To the scholarship now. And I know you're waiting for that part, because we kinda have a rule @Smiirl, the rule of "failing school" (or is school failing us ? That is the question.). Aaaaand *drum roll* Tux is no exception to this rule... (in Suits, they only recruit from Harvard. We don't.). His motto ? "In class you won't go, working out your drinking skills is more important for sure".
Let's quickly go over his assault course. He started off with a high school diploma in literature. Well, the story is a lil bit more complex. Tux originally wanted to apply for a high school diploma in science, but they didn't want him in. So he tried the high school diploma in economics.. Fatality. He decided to go where he was accepted, so literature, yayyyyy (let's be clear, we don't have anything against these rolled-cigarettes-smokers-banana-pockets-pants-wearers, nothing, honestly).
Freshly graduated, with a whopping average grade of 10.84/20, he decides to get his sh*t together and goes for a refresher course in maths, guiding him towards a first year in computer license. And once again, this is not even close from being a success. He didn't know at the time that a computer license implied to learn chemistry, physics & mechanics. Bummer.
As a rejuvenation process, he recluses himself in the mountains of "Savoie", in Annecy, where he starts an information communication license, with infographic specialty. And there, he has an epiphany : "What if I start to code websites to build nice & clean designs for companies ?". He then started to work as a freelance and continued to improve his skills to seduce our family.
Why Smiirl BTW ? Tux heard about us in his favorite daily show "La Quotidienne" he used to watch every day @noon (he has not been watching it since he has entered our team, ironically...). He then found a job offer and immediately applied for it, remembering how cool he found the counter in the show. The rest of the story is a soap opera : our team fell in love at first sight with this unlimited talent, and he joined our team to make coffees, clean our shoes, and to do other less important things such as working on our website's design.
When you ask Tux about his passions, he almost all the time starts with music. In fact, he's a professional musician, graduated from a Music diploma, and plays the drums, the keys and writes his own music (#littlemozart).
High-level sportsperson, he's been practicing badminton for 2 years, and made the mistake to believe this sport would be less violent than aggressive inline skating, which he practiced for 6 years.. error. And being a high-level-sportsperson implies great responsibilities. Tux has a gold platinum membership card in emergency services, he indeed needed their services more than 30 times in his life. The Santi Cazorla of our team.

Tux flapping its wings to victory
Also a high-level e-sportsperson, he particularly appreciates FPS video games such as Counter Strike 1.6. But being a 26-year-old ancestor, he doesn't have the skills to destroy young nerds anymore. Every superstar has to retire one day I guess.
Any last word ? "Give me some beard for God's sake"!. Indeed, Tux is pretty hung up about his "beardlessness". When you know that @Smiirl, the main profile is "tall bearded brown haired guy", you know why... But the presence of our COO and our CEO can make him feel a little bit less hung up. Kaboum (don't fire me).
Tux is now a proud member of our team and he's there for a while, so if you notice some new stuff on our website, it will be thanks to this guy !
I'm Out 😉