[CLIENTS FOCUS] Just give me that Smile
May 4, 2017
Before anything else, it is important for us to remind you a lil bit about our positioning at the very beginning of our adventure. The main purpose of our project was to create objects to help local businesses connecting their digital to their physical community. By local businesses, we mean restaurants, bars, specialized shops, etc. The reality of our market showed us that we had a lot of opportunities ahead of us, and one of them stroke us like a lightning bolt fired by an angry Pikachu : dentists.
A little precision is necessary, the dentists we are going to talk about can (almost) only be found in the US (‘MERICA !). At Uncle Sam’s, doctors, dentists, etc. can communicate on their social media about their activity. And that’s where our counters steal the spotlight. Reconstruction of the facts !
One night, at 11pm (French hour), our VP French Sales Pierre receives a phone call from an American number, and answers immediately (with a clumsy Northern accent). As a reasonable salesman, he gives the guy a 5% discount code + free shipping on his incoming purchase, a code he will be able to communicate to his pals. The latter organized a meet-up a couple of days following this phone call and 30 counters were sold to American dentists within the next 2 months. A phenomenon we could not pass by, and a real credit to give to the first dentist.
Today, we have a bit more than 80 clients in the dental sector, and among these 80, 70 are from the US only ! This “niche” continues to grow and is officially part of our most powerful and original client bases !To be continued ?
Hope you enjoyed this article about a very peculiar category of our clients !
I’m out ?