Interview client : Romain & Nicolas – Cadeau Maestro (part II)
March 30, 2017
Here we are, with Nicolas, head of digital marketing at Cadeau Maestro. His battlefield ? Well social networks of course. All of em. Almost. Let's take a closer look at the social media activity of the brand.
CM (Cadeau Maestro, not community management) settled its CM strategy (here it's community management, not Cadeau Maestro) a while ago. And the CM of CM (I lost you right there, I know) is operationnal on a great range of networks. From Facebook to Pinterest, and from Instagram to Twitter, Nicolas was even once very productive on Google+, nowadays considered the little black sheep of them all. He used to collect publications with more than 600+ on the infamous network, now getting 10+ is already a victory. Times have changed, and good practices on social media as well.
Let's dive a bit deeper on these so called good practices, and especially on those shared with us by Nicolas regarding Cadeau Maestro's own community.
Let's start with Facebook, the network that is giving not so much work to Nicolas. Indeed, a publications sustained pace on this network allows Nicolas to obtain more than satisfying results, with the will to share news about the boutique once or twice the week. Historically, the community learns about Cadeau Maestro thanks to the physical store, so that's normal for Nicolas to focus some of his publications on the human factor of the company, aka the boutique. And how so ? Well first of all by sharing a lot of news about the team and its relatives. And who says team says human. And who says human says friends. And what is man's best friend ? DOGGIES. Cadeau Maestro can count on Iolite, their mascot, to get herslef in the spotlight for the most viral publications ever. Man's best friend, we told ya.
Nicolas tries to chance its publications from a social network to another.. except for one of them : Twitter. To stay simple, the tweets are basically the same messages as the publications you can find on their Facebook page (well with the 140 caracters limit of course). But the results are not the same at all. In fact, the blue bird doesn't get a lot of recogniction and the poor results Nicolas' tweets get are rather frustrating for the team. A network to forget ? Not really, but the focus will not go on this one for sure. Conversely, Instagram gets a LOT of engagement with a minimum effort. Nicolas took over the network a year ago, and results are outrageously good. It remains diffucult to measure KPI's on it, but the activity and the engagement created by the community prosper.
Today, the second biggest social network for Cadeau Maestro has to be Pinterest. The team has started to build a strong community on this network for a bit more than a year, thanks to the white background packshots. These shots, very reliable, are not used anymore, because considered to "neutral" and not a sufficient miror of the team values. Nowadays on Cadeau Maestro's Pinterest, you can find pictures in real situations. Products are shot in their natural environement. These pictures are taken by several people. On the one hand, the pictures taken by suppliers, and on the other hand, the pictures taken by the team and their designers.
Apart from social networks, Cadeau Maestro has a blog category on their website. The publication pace is there very strong : 3 articles per week, focused on, well, focused themes (team, boutique, interviews with the designers, etc.). This blog is also the place where you can find "Les Chroniques de Charline", a show hosted by Charline (co-founder) on a local TV channel. These shows are of course shared on the Youtube Channel of Cadeau Maestro.
You understand now that Cadeau Maestro doesn't only performs in Saint-Etienne 😉
Thanks for reading this second article talking about Cadeau Maestro, see you next week for another article !
I'm out 😉